

frankWe are already healers. A kind gesture or even a gentle smile can be considered forms of healing, but what if there was a way to multiply this ability beyond our wildest expectations and help heal the world?

Experience a spiritual world beyond the physical.

My name is Frank Passalaqua, and I have been working with healing energy since 1970. There are many variations being taught today, such as Reiki, Quantum Touch, Theta, etc., but Guided Angel Healing is unique because it doesn’t involve rituals, rules, or procedures. The process is simple and the results are both powerful and amazing.

  1. When giving a healing, you will feel a charged energy surrounding your hand like a glove. There will be a sensation like a gentle breeze that wants to guide you. All you have to do is let go and follow the direction to where it leads, and this energy will take you to where healing is needed on your subject. Since you are choosing to follow the energy, you are always in control and can stop at any time. It will continue to guide you until the healing is complete and your hands return to your sides.
  2. frankTo become a Guided Angel Healer takes a simple activation. We use the word God, and this will refer to all religions or spiritual terms relating to it, such as “Source,” ”Creator,” “Allah,” or whatever term you normally use. You will place your hands on your heart, and when I place my hands on yours, you say, “I give my heart to God and want to help people.” You will immediately a feel a peaceful, loving energy, and you will be ready to offer a healing.
  3. You never have to worry about whether you are using the correct techniques because when you do a healing, the divine presence will activate in your hands. And since you are allowing yourself to follow where this energy leads, the healing will be perfect every time. You will also become more intuitive and have a sense of when to change positions and know exactly what to do to help assist in the process.
  4. Each person will experience this differently. Those who have worked with other forms of healing will immediately sense its unique characteristics. Those who have never studied healing before may find the connection with the God Force so powerful that some people have experienced an immediate healing on a spiritual, mental, emotional, and/or physical level.    [top]


Do these healings replace a doctor?
This healing works in conjunction with all other forms of healing, but you should always follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Can this healing help a dying friend or relative live longer?
Remember, you are not the healer. It is not up to you to decide how to heal someone. If you are in that situation, definitely send healing energy with an open heart, not with your mind. Allow God’s energy to flow through you. Your participation may help with the pain, may help with the transition, or help in ways you cannot even imagine. Your presence and love will definitely be felt. Remember, the healing may go through your hands, but the healing itself is out of your hands.

frankExplain more about what will happen during this session.
We will greet each other and I will go over the process in more detail. I will then answer any questions and cover what is possible before the healing activation begins. We will pair off in groups of two, one to do the healing and one to be the subject. We would then reverse roles, and afterwards share our experiences. We may do other variations of healing if time allows.

Will I pick up any negative energy from the person I am working on?
The beauty of this process is as long as you are aware that you are assisting the healing and are not the healer, you will not attract negative energy.

What procedures do I need to do before beginning a healing session?
Your original commitment never expires. You don’t need to do rituals or say anything special. When you are ready to do a healing, the energy will activate.

What costs are involved in becoming a Guided Angel Healer?
I rely on the help of others to reach as many people as possible. Initially, I will be scheduling Guided Angel Healing through established spiritual centers, organizations, groups, stores, or foundations that normally provide classes or meet-ups. These organizations will set the pricing for use of their time and space at their locations. Price will be in the range normally offered for a one evening meet-up session.   [top]


I was diagnosed with glaucoma in my early twenties. Once I experienced Guided Angel Healing, I became aware of how negative influences had been affecting my health and my life. Through a series of experiences over many years, I achieved love at a much higher level, my outlook as well as the world around me became more positive, and my glaucoma disappeared. So yes, at some future date I would love to offer these life-changing experiences in an intense weekend experience, but first, I feel it is important to provide Guided Angel Healing to as many people as possible.


If you would like to be notified when and where a session is taking place, please contact me at [email protected].

If you are an organization interested in setting up an evening session, I’m based in the Chicago area, but arrangements can be made to travel to different locations. Just contact me at the above email address.   [top]

Guided Angel Healings • Frank Passalaqua • [email protected]